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Beautiful floral background. Pink phalaenopsis orchids on a light background. Pastel color




Lady Monice Jackson-Ferrill attended the 35th Annual Area II Leadership Conference in Virginia Beach, VA on April 6-9, 2017.  While attending the conference, she witnessed the induction and chartering ceremonies of the Patuxent River Chapter of TLOD, Inc.  After the event, the Lord put on her heart that maybe now is a good time to start a TLOD Chapter in her community of Haymarket, VA.  On April 21, 2018, Lady Monice held a TLOD information meeting at her home in Haymarket, VA and the Haymarket Interest Group (HIG) was formed.  The event was attended by eight women from her community along with two of her Top Lady Sisters, Lady Charlotta “Shay” Wells and Lady Nadine Jackson Beach both members of Dale City-PWC TLOD (DC-PWC).  She hosted HIG meetings at her home on October 18, 2017 and again on November 4, 2017.  On December 2, 2017, Lady Monice along with Ladies in Waiting (LIW) Trivia Cole and Sabrina Jacobs and their teenage daughters participated in the Kids Against Hunger rice packing event hosted by First Baptist of Manassas at Mountain View Elementary School in Haymarket. VA.  This event allowed HIG members to conduct a community service event alongside two potential Top Teens.  On December 11, 2017, the first annual HIG Christmas Brunch was held at the home of Lady Monice.  During the brunch the LIWs were able to meet several current Top Ladies from DC-PWC to include Lady Valerie “VJ” Jones, Lady Shay and Lady April Mickens all of whom shared their Top Lady experience with the group.  The LIWs also received info on how to construct their application packets.


The HIG Charter Application package was submitted to Lady Sandra Clark, National Area II Director in early January 2018.   The HIG received approval of the chapter from the TLOD, Inc. National Headquarters on March 17, 2018.  On Sunday, April 8, 2018, a HIG meeting was held at the Waverly Club at Dominion Valley Country Club.  During that meeting an election for the Executive Board was held by secret ballot using Roberts Rules of Order.  Lady Nadine, now Chapter Organizer, Stafford County TLOD, assisted with the election and the group selected LIW Gyal Gilbert as the Chartering President.  The following LIWs were elected to the Executive Board: Melanie Grant Jones, First Vice President; Jessica Dixon, Second Vice President; Sheila Anderson, Recording Secretary; Mae Harris, Financial Secretary; Nichole King-Campbell, Treasurer; and, Pharene Kirton, Top Teens Advisor.  In addition, photos were taken during that meeting for inclusion in the souvenir journal.  On Saturday, April 28, 2018, Lady Monice hosted an Orientation Meeting at the Haymarket-Gainesville Community Library.  The meeting was facilitated by Lady Sandra Clark and Lady Hope Ruffin, National Sergeant Arms and Area II Membership Chair.  The meeting was attended by all HIG LIWs with support from Lady Simone Howard, DC-PWC and Lady Nadine.  After the meeting the LIWs fellowshipped together for dinner at Dominion Valley Country Club.  The final meeting for the HIG will occur on May 15, 2018, when Lady Monice and members of the souvenir journal committee gather for the last time to go over the final touches on the document.  The Induction and Chartering ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, May 20, 2018, 10:00 am at the Regency at Dominion Valley Country Club, Haymarket, VA.  The ceremonies will be followed by a celebratory luncheon which will be attended by family and friends of the new chapter.  

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